Tired of typing in long paper applications into a spreedsheet? HomeKeeper has partnered with FormAssembly to help home ownership programs create smart and efficient forms. We can help you create an easy to use online webform that collects inquiry and applicant data in HomeKeeper in real time. By having program applicants complete forms online, you can spend less time on data entry, and more quality time meeting with applicants and owners. Plus, by collecting information in one place, you can gain new insight into your applicant pool and better understand the demand for your programs and services.
Save Time and Paper with Online Program Forms
“The FormAssembly-Homekeeper partnership has been a critical component and cost-effective tool for our Community Land Trust homeownership program.” – Jim Philbin, Community Land Trust Director
*Note that online program applications forms are an additional customization and are not included in the standard HomeKeeper setup.
Learn more from our members about how online forms can streamline operations: