Webinar Recap
Tracking program activities, interventions and cases related to the COVID-19 pandemic is essential for shared equity homeownership programs to better support individuals and families, as well as strengthen and advance your program’s mission. What data stories will you tell about this unprecedented era?
We recently hosted a Grounded Solutions Network webinar as part of their COVID-19 webinar series. We covered the principles of using program data to tell compelling stories and highlighted examples and recommendations for demonstrating community need and describing your program’s ability to mitigate the devastating impacts of the pandemic.
Related Resources for Data Storytelling:
- Ten Steps to Better Data Stories
- DataTherapy.org activity link and our examples of housing stories you can tell
- HomeKeeper blog post-“Ten Steps to Better Data Stories”
- Data collection checklist for homeownership
- Data Collection checklist for housing counseling
- The case for tracking COVID-19 activities
- More resources for telling data stories for your housing programs