Have you  outgrown your paper systems? Improve  your data management today!

Here are free tools you can start using today to get you on the path to better data management and faster reporting.  Whether you’re ready to become a HomeKeeper member next month or next year, these easy-to-use tools will help you implement best  practices now.

All of these tools will make future Homekeeper data migration a more seamless process.  With more organized data and complete records, you’ll be able to generate more accurate and more robust reports.
  • Data Collection Checklist  – A data management  checklist  developed by peer permanently affordable housing organizations based on data collection best practices.  With practitioners collecting the same data in the same way, we can more accurately measure the impact of the sector at national level.


  • Property Portfolio Management Spreadsheet  –  A starter excel spreadsheet for tracking your properties.  This tool will assist your organization with tracking the basic characteristics and locations of all of your properties at all different stages of development.
  • Monitoring Event Log  – An excel spreadsheet containing a  running log of important monitoring issues your organization is  working to resolve.  Track the same information for each post-purchase issue and keep the information in a central, accessible place.

Where'd your buyer's go?

  • Exit Survey Log   –  Exit surveys are a great way to track former homeowners upon resale and  include a standard set of questions most program routinely ask at the time of resale or shortly after.
  • Universal Application:  A housing application created by your  peers to ensure that organizations are tracking the same types of data upon application.  Application questions reflect common metrics required by funders, stakeholders and non profit boards.
  • Data Collection Checklist for  Housing Counseling:  This checklist helps housing counseling programs align program documents and procedures with HUD’s minimum reporting requirements and HomeKeeper’s data collection standards.