
In HomeKeeper’s last two product releases, we’ve introduced pages to make entering information easier. The pages guide you while entering information. The pages pull fields from HomeKeeper’s Service file, and shows which fields are most important depending on where a buyer is in your pipeline. We also made sure to include the most important datapoints for Homekeeper’s National Data Hub. The pages make sure users enter the most important datapoints including ones that are important in order to get a Social Impact Report.

In our latest release, (Spring 2016, version 1.12) we worked with Daizylogik to introduce  the Resale Summary. It’s a beautiful page, built using Bootstrap and Visualforce. It guides HomeKeeper users through the different steps they should complete when entering in the information about a homeowner who sells. It even gives the easy an overview of how complete the data is when they reach the end of entering their resale data.