Attention All HUD Counseling Programs!

We’re kicking off HomeKeeper-HUD Connect, our newest project to develop housing counseling features and seek HUD Counseling Management System (HUD CMS) certification.  Once completed, HomeKeeper members will be able to track counseling cases and workshops, and directly submit 9902 reports to HUD electronically.

But we can’t get this done alone so we are currently seeking active HomeKeeping users to join our Advisory Committee. Committee members will provide invaluable feedback during the design and development process and will be the first users to test out the housing counseling features.

Join our Advisory Committee

If you are interested in joining our Advisory Committee, please email Tiffany Eng, Program Director at .

Advisory Committee Criteria and Responsibilities

Committee members’ organizations are expected to be active HomeKeeper members in good standing throughout 2017. Expectations for participation include:

  • Attending one 90 min kick-off and planning meeting the week of September 5th.
  • Providing feedback upon request on specific issues by email and/or on 1-1 calls, if needed.
  • Participating in online forum discussions, as needed to stay informed and provide further guidance to the development team.
  • Actively testing new functionality (in a demo account) and provide input and feedback.

The estimated time commitment for the tasks above is approximately 4 hours a month from September through January. Committee members are expected to set aside sufficient staffing and other resources reasonably required to accomplish the objectives of the committee.

Grounded Solutions Responsibilities

  • Provide Advisory Committee members access to newly developed features for the purpose of testing
  • Provide support and guidance throughout the testing phase.
  • Coordinate Advisory Committee activities and keep members informed of project progress

HomeKeeper – HUD Connect Timeline (Subject to change)


  • September:  Advisory Committee Kick-off meeting
  • September – October 2016: Planning and Development
  • November – December: Testing initial feature set, Ongoing development


  • January – Wrap up testing and begin setting up selected Pilot Organizations
  • April-July: Beign Pilot Program – live testing and submission of Q1 and Q2 data
  • July: Public Launch

* Advisory Committee members will have the first option to participate in the Pilot Program and use the new features within their HomeKeeper account. Terms of the Pilot Program will be finalized in the coming months.