HomeKeeper History

HomeKeeper History
December 22

RFQ for Technology Development

NCB Capital Impact Partners issues Shared Equity Homeownership Performance Measurement System Technology Development and Services. Attached is a first draft of metrics for the sector.

September 22

HomeKeeper’s first grant: $25,000

NCB Capital Impact (now Capital Impact Partners) granted the Northwest Community Land Trust Coalition a $25,000 grant to build a  BETA version of a “Salesforce Database for Community Land Trusts” for 3 organizations. The estimated project budget was $42,000 and the estimated timeline was 3 months. Lead developer: Evan Callahan.

August 22

Work begins

OPAL Community Land Trust makes their first payments to NPower Seattle for the initial consultations to develop a Salesforce Solution. 

July 15

An Idea is Born

At the first meeting of the National CLT Network Board in July 2006 in Boulder, CO, we identified the goal of having the product that is now HomeKeeper.