In case you missed it, the Lincoln Land Institute recently published a new working paper in partnership with Grounded Solutions Network based on shared equity homeownership program data aggregated in our HomeKeeper National Data Hub. The paper, Tracking Growth and Evaluating Performance of Shared Equity Homeownership Programs During Housing Market Fluctuations is the largest and most comprehensive look at 58 shared equity programs, over 4,000 housing units, in 20 states over three decades.
According to the Lincoln Institute: This study of 58 shared equity homeownership programs and 4,108 properties over the past three decades explores growth in the shared equity housing stock, the characteristics of households owning shared equity homes, and the performance of these programs across the nation. Using administrative data derived from the HomeKeeper National Data Hub managed by Grounded Solutions Network, performance metrics are compared across four housing market periods: 1985–2000 (pre-housing bubble), 2001–2006 (housing boom), 2007–2012 (housing bust), and 2013–2018 (housing recovery). Findings from this study not only confirm that shared equity models provide affordable homeownership to lower income families generation after generation, but also establish that the sector provides financial security and mitigates risks for homeowners facing housing market turmoil. In effect, shared equity homeownership mitigates the risks of traditional homeownership, strengthens residential stability, and promotes equitable wealth building.
The HomeKeeper team would like to thank all the HomeKeeper organizations that shared their program data and participated in the study. This report would not have been possible without your partnership and dedication to our collective effort to measure impact for our sector.