Inclusionary housing programs can be key tools for promoting racial equity and housing with lasting affordability, including shared-equity homeownership. But programs vary widely in terms of how successfully they achieve these goals. New resources from Grounded Solutions Network shed light on how to design the most effective inclusionary housing programs.


Drawing on data from the most comprehensive investigation of inclusionary housing to date, this Shelterforce article describes characteristics of over 1,000 inclusionary housing programs across the country and provides insight into which are the most successful and why. It is based on this report –  the culmination of Grounded Solutions’ three-year study in partnership with Fannie Mae – that summarizes the prevalence, practice, and production of inclusionary housing programs. The data from the study is also available in Grounded Solutions’ Inclusionary Housing Map and Program Database.


Done right, inclusionary housing can be an important tool for racial equity. But what exactly does “doing it right” look like in practice? Two new reports co-authored by Grounded Solutions and the Center for Mixed-Income Communities address how to best incorporate racial equity into inclusionary housing programs—both in the content of the program and in the process of developing the program.