The HomeKeeper team will be attending Salesforce’s annual conference, Dreamforce, this November 19-22. We would love to catch  up with our users that are also attending or meet groups that are potentially interested in HomeKeeper.

If you are interested in HomeKeeper or learning more about the resources Grounded Solutions Network provides,  we’d love to connect with you.  Here are a few options for finding us:

  • Find us at the Nonprofit Keynote: We always attend the nonprofit keynote to learn what innovative ways other nonprofits are using Salesforce to track. If you want to meet up with us at the keynote, shoot us an email.
  • Schedule a demo — Contact us to get a 1-1 introduction to HomeKeeper if you’re interested in making managing your program easier! Demos will take place at our booth in the Exhibit hall, unless otherwise agreed upon.
  1. Meet for coffee – If you just want to talk data, your current systems or how you can customize HomeKeeper, contact us to meet us for coffee at the conference.

If you can’t seem to find us, or want to schedule a time to meet, email us your number and some times to meet at