Salesforce’s New Product: Nonprofit Cloud

When Salesforce announced Nonprofit Cloud (NPC) in March 2023, it did not come the fanfare typical of new Salesforce products. It was not showcased at Dreamforce, or any other major event, with the bells and whistles typical of a Salesforce headline or announcement. It came through a blog post by Lori Freeman, VP and GM

Product Spotlight: Process Applications Easily with Public House

Public House builds efficient and secure online tools to help us address the ever-growing need for workforce housing. Franklin Joyce (Electric Baby) and his team have worked with more than 25 HomeKeeper users to date! In 2012, HomeKeeper asked Public House to build an online application using a popular form tool. Ultimately, digging into the

Our staff is now 4x Salesforce Certified!

          Hi, Lindsey here! I’ve been HomeKeeper’s Training & Support Specialist since April 2020. I first used Salesforce and the HomeKeeper App just a few years ago as an AmeriCorps turned accidental admin, and in November 2021, I earned my Salesforce Administrator Certification! Between myself and HomeKeeper team member Cheryl, our

HK Team hosts Post-Salesforce Learning Events Chat

In October 2021, a dozen HomeKeeper superusers gathered online with staff on the HomeKeeper team, to discuss the Fall 2021 Salesforce online events, including ideas that could benefit HomeKeeper participating organizations. Based on participation in Dreamforce 2021 and’s Week of Learning (2021), our key takeaways were: Flow Builder is the automation tool to learn

Product Spotlight: Engage Clients with SMS & eFax Guru

Cloud Maven, Inc. is a Salesforce ISV partner that helps non-profit organizations get the most value from their investments in tech, while mitigating the risks that come with change. As the creators of Credit Checker, they have worked with several HomeKeeper Users to successfully implement the credit reporting application and are now bringing yet another

GSN Releases New Inclusionary Housing Resources

Inclusionary housing programs can be key tools for promoting racial equity and housing with lasting affordability, including shared-equity homeownership. But programs vary widely in terms of how successfully they achieve these goals. New resources from Grounded Solutions Network shed light on how to design the most effective inclusionary housing programs.   Drawing on data from

Leveraging HomeKeeper During A Pandemic

  As the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the U.S., an economic crisis emerged. We saw millions of Americans become unemployed, having to shelter at home, and as a result were faced with housing instability. CHN Housing Partners was selected to stand up during this time, and manage our local CARES Act Eviction Prevention program. Through managing this program,

Pursue Representation in Data: Why Custom Demographic Tracking?

The latest version of HomeKeeper allows agencies and programs the option to add custom values to the demographic fields Race, Ethnicity or Primary Language Spoken. This feature could help represent communities more authentically, and allows staff to prepare reports using local terms, while still including program data in HUD reporting and the HomeKeeper National Data Hub. Expanding

HomeKeeper Presents on “Leaders in Housing Counseling” Webinar

As part of NHRC’s webinar series “Leaders in Housing Counseling”, HomeKeeper Program Director Tiffany Eng presented on the importance of COVID-19 tracking and how it will prove helpful–for the sector as a whole–as we move through these unprecedented times. You can watch the presentation here. Tiffany also dug into this topic in her HomeKeeper blog

The Case for Tracking COVID-19 Related Counseling Cases

Grounded Solutions Network’s HomeKeeper team is encouraging homeownership programs and housing counseling agencies to track activities and cases related to the current pandemic. Doing so will help program staff better support individuals and families, and strengthen our ability to advance sector goals at the local and national level. This information was also shared on a