HomeKeeper by the Numbers: 2019

HomeKeeper is proud of the support we provide to our user organizations, every year. We turn your ideas into features and trainings that save you time. We use the best technical solution to develop and improve the HomeKeeper app to better fit your programs. We document your programs’ social impact in our National Data Hub to

Member Profile: Chhaya CDC Automates their Housing Counseling Intake with Online Form

Chhaya Community Development Corporation became a HomeKeeper participating organization in Fall 2018, using housing counseling features to complete their reporting requirements for the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development (CAPACD).   The organization operates in Queens, New York, home to the fastest-growing South Asian population in the country. Chhaya empowers this community through

Dreamforce 2019: HomeKeeper Users are in Good Company Using Salesforce

In November 2019, the HomeKeeper team attended Dreamforce, the annual Salesforce conference. We joined 190,000+ attendees from all over the world, to learn about new innovations and tools that will help our HomeKeeper user organizations make an impact using Salesforce. The HomeKeeper team has these takeaways and resources for our user organizations to help make your

HomeKeeper Users Presenting in Webinar: Understanding the Performance of Shared Equity Homeownership Programs

On Wednesday, 9/18/19, two HomeKeeper participating organizations will participate as presenters in “Understanding the Performance of Shared Equity Homeownership Programs”, a free webinar offered as part of Grounded Solutions Network’s Training Institute Online. Register for this webinar to hear the findings from the most comprehensive performance evaluation of shared equity homeownership programs conducted to date.

Forcelandia 2019: Attending Local Salesforce Events to Benefit HomeKeeper

In August 2019, Cheryl attended Forcelandia, a community-led Salesforce conference in Portland, OR that focuses on technical development solutions. She has attended Forcelandia each year since it began in 2014, and has previously presented and run workshops at the event. Cheryl attended sessions that reinforced best practices in planning of new features, technical design, and

HomeKeeper Housing Counseling 2019 Update

In light of HCO retirement, some clients of HCO are turning to HomeKeeper, a Salesforce AppExchange app since 2012. Over 90 organizations are currently use HomeKeeper. This includes 23 housing counseling agencies and one counseling intermediary who are using HomeKeeper to track housing counseling workshops, log one-on-one counseling, and report to HUD. Not sure if

2018 HomeKeeper Recap and 2019 Roadmap

2018 HomeKeeper Recap and 2019 Roadmap Since 2011, HomeKeeper is proud to have helped people like you manage your homeownership and housing counseling programs more efficiently, and report on your impacts with ease.   Through the  years, we’ve remained committed to our core belief that better data begets brighter insights, smarter decisions and bigger impacts.And

HomeKeeper is Lightning Ready!

Over the past year, HomeKeeper staff and our developers have been working diligently to make sure HomeKeeper is compatible with Salesforce’s new user interface, Lightning. We are delighted to announce that the HomeKeeper application is now Lightning ready and our newest release, version 2.4, will include Lightning features. What does this mean for potential and

Our staff is now 4x Salesforce Certified!

We have exciting news for our users, especially those who use our HomeKeeper support over the course of the year. This fall, two of our Support Staff, Cheryl Curry and Valerie Rogers, received new certifications from Salesforce. What does this mean for our users? It means that we now have additional certifications to be able

Dreamforce 2018: Focus on Impact First

In September 2018, the HomeKeeper team attended Dreamforce, the annual Salesforce conference. We joined 170,000 attendees from all over the world, to learn about new innovations and tools that will help our HomeKeeper user organizations make an impact using Salesforce. The HomeKeeper team has these takeaways and resources for our user organizations to help make your jobs