Take your next step with HomeKeeper!
The HomeKeeper Team offers customized technical assistance to help you make the most of HomeKeeper.
Advanced Support could be a great solutionĀ if you or your colleagues want to:
- Become more confident and competent users
- Survive staff turnover with an easy transition
- Turn your data into actionable dashboards
- Make your job easier with workflow tips
What do you want to do?
Our HomeKeeper team combines expertise in Salesforce and affordable housing and housing counseling programs. We can help you with a range of custom support and training needs, including:
- Quick start training for staff new to HomeKeeper
- Personalized training on basic HomeKeeper features
- Assistance preparing data and/or submitting your quarterly HUD report
- Advanced support to create custom reports and dashboards
- Upgrading your account to the latest HomeKeeper version
What’s included?
As part of this service, you can expect:
- An initial assessment of your current usage.
- A kick-off meeting to prioritize your needs and map out a training and/or customization plan.
- Individual in-depth support, training and/or technical assistance to meet your goals.
- A closeout summary of what was accomplished and links to related resources, including links to recordings of any trainings completed.
Option 1: 4 hours – $800
Option 2: 8 hours – $1,500