The HomeKeeper team and I wanted to let the HomeKeeper community know that I am leaving my position at Grounded Solutions on March 4, 2022. Later in March 2022, I am starting a new position as a Technology Specialist at a B Corp in my home of Portland, Oregon, where I will help create solutions for nonprofit and social impact orgs.

It has been educational, fascinating and exciting to work in this role on the HomeKeeper team since August 2017. I am grateful for the experiences I have had to learn about the 50+ year-old Community Land Trust model, as well as other creative efforts to secure resourcing for affordable housing that lasts. As the grandchild of white veterans who directly benefitted from redlining after WWII, I am thankful to have provided technical support for affordable housing nonprofits. Looking back at my hopes when I started this position, I feel I have accomplished many of them.

Some highlights I want to note from my time here:

  • Publishing a Lightning Experience compatible version of the app in 2018, after (many, many) hours, providing all of our HomeKeeper organizations access to the latest and greatest features of Salesforce, alongside HomeKeeper.
  • Leading feature development and improvement for seven versions of HomeKeeper, and nine versions of HomeKeeper’s HUD Connect app. Wherever it was possible, I delivered features based on feedback from users, and while the road to app improvement is often bumpy, the app is is a strong place from a technical standpoint. I never could have accomplished any of this without the innovative support of HomeKeeper’s contracted developer DaizyLogik, namely Nineta Martinov.
  • Documenting feature and functionality improvements – I actually really enjoy documentation! I hope everyone who ever had a 1-1 with me provides good helptext, descriptions, and more in their customizations, and enjoys the articles I wrote or improved in the searchable HomeKeeper Support Forum.
  • Of course, it has also been rewarding to work alongside Lindsey, Haley, Tiffany and most recently Tom, plus our trusted consultants like Zach Wittrock. Kind people are everywhere throughout this ecosystem.

I am excited to observe what Tom, Lindsey, Haley and everyone else in the HomeKeeper community do with HomeKeeper going forward, as well as follow and support the mission of Grounded Solutions Network for housing affordability that lasts.

Please find me on LinkedIn or the Salesforce Trailblazer Community to stay in touch!